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Since 2000, {ths} aka Thomas Schos­tok works at the cross­roads of art and graphic design. His stu­dio is based in Essen, West Ger­many. He is a for­mer tile sales­man is known for his uncom­pro­mis­ing graphic works, full of pow­er­ful, bru­tal and dirty aes­thet­ics, have been shown and appre­ci­ated inter­na­tion­ally. {ths} is famous for his recur­rent dirty images jux­ta­posed with con­tro­ver­sial mes­sages. He is an obses­sive visual ter­ror­ist who keeps attack­ing the cor­rupt show­biz, the rich cor­po­rate world, the “uni­formiza­tion” of our thoughts and lives. For him, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and his eyes love every­thing that is con­sid­ered “dirty” and “ugly”.

Designed Toy Releases

Toy Series Participation

Customs & Show Pieces
