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To tell the story of Krink, the world’s quickest growing art supply line, you need to hear the story of KR, an entrepreneur who learned everything the hard way. KR grew up in Queens in the ‘80s surrounded by graffiti writers, skaters, and punks. Graf was a part of the attitude as much as it was the landscape. Everything was very DIY: steal paint, illegal spots, make markers, emphasize your style, experiment with multiple tools and methods. A lot of it was also based in economy (or lack thereof): sharing and stealing were simply a necessary part of the creative process.

Fast-forward to today and Krink products are shipping daily from a headquarters in Brooklyn to everywhere from California to Moscow to Tokyo. The product line has grown to offer a number of different markers and inks that are unique to the market in their style, history and quality. And when the collaboration feels right, Krink continues to create limited-edition products with like-minded companies like Nike, Casio, and Coach. The trademark paint-drip aesthetic has found its way into art and design becoming a standard for street-inspired artists on a global level. It’s been 15 years and what started as a product created to fit the specific needs of graffiti writers has grown into a product line with a range of creative tools for creative thinkers. Watch closely over the next 15 as Krink continues to build its name as the premier art supply line for a new generation of artists.

Designed Toy Releases

These are toys designed by Krink.

Toy Series Participation

These are toys that Krink have lent their design skills to.


These are one-off, or very limited, toys.


External Links